Monday Funday Roll Call
DH couldn't get in his car this morning, but could get into my PT Cruiser, so he took it to work. I don't plan on going anywhere as the roads are very slick here. All the schools called off for today. I see they have added more sleet and freezing rain for our forecast tomorrow and Thursday. I am suppose to go to Gavin's school tomorrow and help sew christmas stockings. I guess we will just wait and see.
I was gonna clean rugs today, but shoulder is saying no, so I think I will open a book and read for a while.
Everyone be careful today!
Today the only thing that I have to do is call Tyler's Dr again. He's still coughing and last night he was up coughing so hard I thought he was either going to throw up or crack a rib. With him having asthma, wrestling and this cold weather, I dont' want him to end up with pneumonia, so we'll probably have to go in, luckily it's only on the other side of town so not too far.
It's slick out there and please please, everyone stay safe and drive very carefully. I am worried about my other two getting on buses today...sometimes those drivers don't exactly drive very good in these conditions. I'll worry until they are both home again this afternoon.
Other than the Dr for Tyler, I will probably finish up the decorating around the house..I got a lot of it done yesterday and also got a few things put up outside despite the wind trying to blow me away! lol
Have a good Monday everyone and stay warm and safe today!
Carla, I hope everything goes well.
Ilse, don't overthink everything. You won't use1/2 of what you take to the hospital.
Randy, I loved tamales too, but don't eat them anymore since 1, they are made of corn, and 2, they are loaded with fat.
Nancy, there is still a busters in Streator.
Yesterday I finished baking cookies, made a pumpkin bread to take to a luncheon tomorrow, picked up the house, and finally was able to relax a bit. I also watched 3 hours of Surivor. Its back to work this morning. Tomorrow I will be driving to Rock Falls to the home office.
It is icy out there, stay safe and warm. I asked DH to take me to work, and his reaction was, why? You can crunch up the car as easy as I can.
Hes right. just drive safely, and if its menth to be it will happen.
Huggers and shivers to all
Good morning Randy and IL,, Yes it is cold here too, we got a dusting of snow but they are calling for sun and Cold Cold wind,
For me today not much going on until tonight support meeting in Rockford,
just clean the house and laundry.
Hope everyone has a good day and try to stay warm,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good morning Illinoisans!
Still at home looking at the sunny day--haven't gotten the shock of the cold yet. Ugh! It LOOKS nice outside!
I finished up the things that need to be mailed last night and those are off today. Also worked on some invitations for a Knitters Christmas party that we decided to have next Sunday with the other knitters where we hang out--Unique Yarns. It will be next Sunday and I'll be looking forward to it. We have been leading a quiet life and I really do like to entertain!
Looking forward to support group tonight!
I am working again today after a pretty busy weekend. Friday, David had a dance, Saturday everyone was busy from morning until night, when we went to my company Christmas Party. Yesterday, Todd and the kids went with the Scouts to Laser Quest and I did a few things around the house.
I am HATING this weather. It is going to be a LOOOOONGGGG winter at this rate.
Tonight, I have to take my Aunt to Walgreens, and am hoping to make it to support group too.
Not too much exciting going on in my corner today.
Everyone stay safe and warm and have a wonderful day!
on 12/14/08 11:40 pm - Park Forest, IL
thought I'd try and pop in and write a few lines before my lifestyle coach calls. This is a new thing through my insurance...supposed to be extra support for my weight loss program.. We'll see. I am still doing ok. Last week has been much better than the past couple months. things are seeming to get into more of a routine with our helping our daughter and granddaughters. The girls will go to their dad's this afternoon through Wed am. so Earl & I are going to try and meet a friend for coffee or lunch tomorrow. Still have some Christmas stuff to finish up cards and wrapping mostly. A couple stocking stuffers needed for Earl and I want to make a new fleece blanket for Skeeter our Chihuahua. Skeeter is always looking for something to snuggle up in and the last fleece one I made him is starting to shred and fall apart.
Hope you all have a great day, Paulette
I baked 3 pumpkin breads yesterday. They are safely in the freezer. I plan on mailing out my best friend 2. I have never mailed out baked goods before.
Today I am going to make some cookies.
It is raining to beat the band down here. Must be the tail end of the snow up north.
Not much going on here today.
Chanukkah starts on the 22 and I am in no mood for it. I am going down to Ft Lauderdale to our friends house for a Chanukkah Party on the 27th if I am feeling up to traveling that close after my surgery.
Hope all is well up in cold country.
My car was just about covered in a sheet of ice this morning. I ran my car for a half hour and still couldn't get all the ice off. Made it to the doctors office and back safely. It is really icy out there. Thank goodness the weather wasn't like this yesterday for Ava's party. She went home with a new coat,hat and mittens, lots of new clothes and a few games. And to think Christmas is just around the corner.
I needed to leave early as I had an appointment for a follow up mammogram. Hopefully this one will come back okay. Have to go back in 6 months for the annual one.
Still need to go pick up a couple of prescriptions. I'll get that done in the next hour ot two.
Hope you all have a great day. Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly. Today that will be slower because of icy wings.